
bank account

ČSOB - Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Prague, Czech Republic
Account number: 105418200/0300
IBAN: CZ18 0300 0000 0001 0541 8200


Dear Customers,
Considering the spread of fraud attempts through telematic phishing, we inform all our customers that IN-EKO TEAM s.r.o. does not send emails requesting payments through links pointing to online sites.

Please BE AWARY of any email of self-styled [email protected] accounts or similar with requests for payments with bank details DIFFERENT from those usually used; in these cases we ask you to contact your sales or contact representative in IN-EKO TEAM s.r.o. by telephone to confirm the authenticity of the same.

Furthermore, to avoid any possible risk of being a victim of fraud, we inform you that any communication with modification of bank details, will be strictly preceded by a phone call from our sales representative.


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